Saturday, October 13, 2012

Gender Roles?

This past week in class we discussed differences in gender and how each have a tendency of taking on specific roles.  We compiled a list of the differences between genders which is as follows:


  • Cooperative
  • Detail oriented
  • Relationship oriented
  • Landmark oriented
  • Verbal
  • Aware/Multiple focuses
  • Need for others

  • Competitive
  • Task oriented
  • Protective
  • Spatially oriented
  • Independent
  • Individual focus

Granted these specific things are not descriptive of everyone no matter what; they are just a general list of typical attributes.  Once we had this list on the board, we talked about different roles and how usually females do the "inside" or "domestic" things while boys usually do the "outside" or "career oriented" things.  This made me wonder, so now I am asking those of you who read this to comment with a response to this question:  is it a good thing to have teach your children to be well rounded in both domestic and career oriented things?  or should the focus stay the way it is so that women are not more concerned about their jobs than their families and that men are not unconcerned about their jobs and providing for their families?

Let me know what you think, and I'll let you know my stance on the situation.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is important for both male and female to be well-rounded, as you put it, learn both "inside" and "outside" things. While a family may start out as your typical nuclear family with a working father and stay-at-home mother, a variety of things may change these circumstances: death, divorce, illness, unemployment, etc.

    Aside from general preparedness, it is also important as spouses to be able to help each other. I am very blessed to have a husband who helps me with "inside" things. I am in school full-time as well as working part-time; he works full-time. We share, and sometimes he takes most of, the home responsibilities. This is the time and season of our life and as our situation changes, how we share these responsibilities will change. But I find it vital to our relationship that we both understand "domestic" and "career" responsibilities.
