Thursday, October 4, 2012

Social Classes

All week we have been discussing the connection between families and social class.  One thing that was pointed out a lot is that your families view of others (which is one of the behaviors that puts people in particular social classes) tends to be passed on in families.  There also tends to be an agreement in opinions between those of the same social class.

A story that kept coming to mind is one my roommate told me her psychology professor experienced.  He ended up speaking with someone in Rexburg, ID who did not look like most people in the area.  He looked more biker-esk when compared to the rest of the society.  Her professor asked him how he liked Rexburg.  His response was, "It is great.  The people are so nice.  They just are not nice to me."

In most Mormon societies and families, people grow up being taught not to judge people, but en up doing it subconsciously whenever they come across someone different from them.  Like that, the behaviors of other types of families tend to continue down through the family line so the children end up behaving like and being in the same social class as their parents and their parents' parents and so forth.

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